Augmenting Your Vape Brand Recognition with Luring Custom E-Juice Boxes

E-cigarettes are novel consuming products and are also regarded as a healthy substitute for cigarette addicts. Some studies exhibit drawbacks as well but, in any case, it is certainly a product with a large customer base. One of the ingredients in E-cigarettes is E-juices or vape juices. The e-juice is heated in e-cigarettes and vape rigs, and it generates an aerosol that users inhale. There are numerous ingredients in e-juice, and the flavor and nicotine, propylene glycol, and glycerol are among a few of them. Brands compete against each other in marketing their e-cigarettes to attract customers to their brands. For such objectives, they create attractive e-cigarette boxes with numerous design and material preferences to optimize their visual appeal and functionality. The packaging of e-juice is as substantial as the lure and functionality of e-cigarette packaging.

Role of Custom E-Juice Boxes in Enhancing the Packaging Appeal

Custom e-juice boxes play a significant role in creating versatile and attractive e-juice packaging that will provide e-juices with the required durability and appeal. In this article, we’ll share with you, the required design and material options for creating attractive, and durable, custom e-juice boxes. These custom e-juice boxes will readily enhance the brand’s shelf appeal, entice customers and establish brand recognition as well.

Design & Material Options for Custom E-Juice Boxes

  • Swanky Colors

E-juices have intriguing colors as they represent numerous e-juice flavors that are consumed as per the customer’s choice.  Flashy or swanky colors are a sure way of attracting customers and making custom e-juice boxes stand out. Three color patterns can be used for creating vibrant colors for custom e-juice boxes, namely:

  • CMYK color patterns
  • PMS color patterns
  • RGB color patterns
  • Utilizing Colors in Brand Logo

The brand logo of custom e-juice boxes also requires swanky colors to enhance their display on the packaging. Although it’s not a panacea for every brand to incorporate dazzling colors in their packaging, it is a certain way of creating exceptional custom e-juice boxes that will attract customers.

  • Creating the Packaging Color Around the E-Juice Flavor

It is relatively easy to choose the color theme for the e-juice packaging. As there are different e-juice flavors, it is obvious to use the flavor color as the foremost color for custom e-juice packaging of that flavor. All other colors can be built around that core packaging color. For example, a banana-flavored custom e-juice packaging will have yellow as the core packaging color. Other colors, like white, can be the second most used color proportion-wise. While the black color will have the least proportion and can be used for outlining on the packaging.

  • Durable Material

E-juices are delicate products and demand ample fortification from possible deterioration, especially during transportation. Custom e-juice boxes offer numerous material options that can offer such safety. Cardboard is the idyllic packaging material, but other materials like corrugated board, paperboard, rigid paper, and kraft paper are feasible options as well. These materials will prevent the e-juice boxes from abrasion and their superior texture give them a luxury appeal as well.   

  • Eccentric Shapes

One of the substantial features of custom e-juice boxes is providing eccentric shapes that add to the product and brand’s appeal. For example, a custom e-juice box can have a triangle, hexagon, pentagon, or any other idiosyncratic shape that will provide an attractive and exclusive outlook to a particular brand. The exclusive outlook will augment the shelf appeal of these custom e-juice boxes and entice customers to explore the product inside.

  • Top Notch Coating

Like every other product packaging, custom e-juice boxes also require a coating that readily augments its packaging outlook. There are several coating techniques available to finish the custom e-juice packaging process and boost its appeal. These options include:

  • Glossing
  • Matte
  • Embossing
  • Soft Touch

These are premium finishing options that will enhance the visual appeal of custom e-juice boxes and make the brand stand out in the crowded market.


E-cigarettes are among the trending products worldwide and businesses contend with each other to entice customers to their e-cigarette brands. These e-cigarettes require e-juices that users inhale and they come with their own packaging. These e-juice brands require ample marketing which custom e-juice boxes offer with numerous design and material options to be employed as per packaging requirements. These options include utilizing swanky colors, employing durable and deluxe material, adding distinctive shapes, and settling printing and designing by employing the optimum coating methods available. These design and material options will enable brands to create robust and pleasing custom e-juice boxes that will readily enhance the brand's appeal, increasing its recognition and boosting sales.

CPP Boxes offers services for custom-printed boxes including custom e-juice boxes, in the United States at market-competitive charges. Our satisfied customers attest to our quality services. Visit to see details and acquire our services to maximize your business potential.


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